In small and medium-sized companies, where resources are often limited, talent development can be challenging but is crucial for growth and competitiveness. Unlike large corporations, SMEs may not have a big training budget or dedicated HR teams. However, with a strategic approach, even the smallest companies can cultivate a strong, skilled, and loyal team. Here are some effective approaches and tips for…
In the world of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), human resources (HR) play a vital role in building a team that thrives and drives business growth. SMEs may not have the resources of large corporations, but by implementing strategic HR practices, they can achieve stability and effectively retain talent. Here are three practical HR tips to help SMEs build a stable and motivated team.Fostering a Culture of Belonging…
Leading a team and achieving business goals requires more than technical knowledge—it demands managerial competencies such as management, leadership, adaptability, and problem-solving. Many companies, especially those without an HR team, face the challenge of identifying and developing key managerial competencies essential for long-term success. One of the most effective tools for assessing these skills is Thalento® MANAGE, a licensed…
In today’s rapidly changing business environment, investing in employee skill development and reskilling is not only necessary but also a key strategy for long-term success. With the accelerated advancement of technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI), companies face the challenge of staying competitive while ensuring their teams are prepared for new business demands. As an HR consulting agency, we…
Posledice i Strategije za bolje liderstvo U poslovnom svetu, upravljanje timovima može biti izazovno, posebno kada menadžeri preuzimaju previše kontrole nad svakodnevnim zadacima svojih zaposlenih. Ova praksa, poznata kao mikromenadžment, može ozbiljno uticati na moral i produktivnost tima. Kao HR konsultant, radila sam sa mnogim menadžerima koji su se suočavali sa ovim izazovom, a kroz ovaj članak podeliću svoja iskustva…
Many small and medium-sized businesses lack an internal HR team, which can further complicate the talent selection process. Delaying decision-making in this process can have serious consequences, including the loss of top candidates and additional costs. Without a proper system or HR expert, owners and managers often take on this role, which prolongs the hiring process. This article offers solutions on how to speed up selection…
In today’s business environment, the role of human resources (HR) is becoming increasingly important in shaping successful organizations. However, many companies, especially small and medium-sized ones, often lack established HR budgets or a clear salary structure, which can lead to challenges in attracting and retaining talent. As an HR consultant, I frequently encounter these challenges, but with the right strategies and tools, it is possible to overcome…
In the modern business world, HR (Human Resources) is much more than an administrative function; it’s a key component of every successful organization. But what exactly do we mean by HR, and why is it so important?What is HR? HR, or human resources, refers to the department or function within an organization responsible for managing employees. This includes everything from hiring and training to performance management, policies, and employee development…